Golden White-eye (Cleptornis marchei) is a species of bird in the white-eye family Zosteropidae. The species is restricted to the islands of Saipan and Aguijan in the Northern Mariana Islands. This bird has golden coloured plumage and a pale eye-ring. It is a large white-eye, 14 cm long and weighing around 20 g .The species has bright, unmistakable plumage, with: a orange yellow head coupled with a pale eye-ring; a yellow-green back, wings, and tail; and golden orange undersides. Both the bill and legs are orange as well. The Golden White-eye is a generalist, feeding on fruit, berries, insects and nectar, forages in pairs or small family groups.The species is monogamous and lays two eggs in a small cup nest. They usually make a variety of calls. The species makes rasping shorter calls and whistles when in flocks and in flight.
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