Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

African Bull Frog on Tanzania stamp

Rana goliath is one of species of true frogs, genus from Sub-Saharan Africa, known as African Bull Frogs. It is the largest frog in South Africa. They lives in open grasslands, can be found in puddles. Also in the dry season they burrow under ground. The species is found mostly in open grasslands and at low elevations in the sub-Saharan African countries of Malawi, Zambia, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Angola, South Africa (except for the south-western Cape Province), Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and the Sudan.

The individual frog can weigh up to 2 kilograms .The male can be up to 24 cm long and the females are about 12 cm .Their skin colour is a dull green; the males have yellow throats and the females’ throats are cream-coloured. Juveniles differ in that they are bright green and have a yellow stripe down their back. This stripe fades away as they mature in about one and a half to two years. The bullfrog lays about three thousand to four thousand eggs in shallow water.The body of the frog is very broad, with a short rounded snout, protruding jaw, and tooth-like projections in its lower jaw. The frog has a large mouth, sharp teeth and very little webbing on its feet. This bullfrog differs from other frogs; it has very strong hind legs used to dig holes in ground, so that it can estivate during the dry season.

The African bullfrog is carnivorous. It will feed on anything it can fit into its mouth, including insects, small rodents (such as mice), reptiles, birds, and amphibians (including other frogs).It is quite aggressive. Its sharp teeth cause its bite can be quite serious. The male bullfrog will also aggressively defend his eggs if an animal or a human should approach.

Summarized and adopted from source: http://www.honoluluzoo.org/african_bullfrog.htm

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